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Nangarhar Regional Tournament " De Spinghar Bazan"

15 May, 2015

The Nangarhar Regional Tournament took place from April 22nd through April 24th in Nangarhar Football stadium in Jalalabad. Five teams from the eastern region participated in the tournament: Nangarhar A, Nangarhar B, Laghman, Nuristan and Mahajireen Afghan.
Afghanistan Football Federation officials and Mr. Vali Igamberdiev selected the 26 best players from these five teams based on their skills and performance. Mr. Igamberdiev is De Spinghar Bazan coach for this Roshan Afghan Premier League season who is invited from Tajikistan to select the players for the team, train the players and the coaches. Nangarhar hosted the 2015 RAPL Nawroz Tournament. This year many new and energetic players with high potential have joined this team. From these 26 players, the 21 best players selected during an Intra-Squad match will be the final list of players officially representing the eastern region and “De Spinghar Bazan”.

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